Mr. Daniel Sullivan Brings His Passion for English to FHS

Leo Giardi

There’s a new teacher here at Falmouth High School. Mr. Daniel Sullivan joined the FHS English Department at the beginning of this school year after working at Lawrence School for several years. 

Mr. Sullivan, who was born and raised in a small town in South Boston, has always loved English. 

“My first memory on this earth was being three years old and my father carrying me in my bedroom late at night and telling me stories,” he explains. Throughout Mr. Sullivan’s entire life, stories have captivated him. 

However, Mr. Sullivan didn’t immediately pursue a career teaching English. When he was eighteen, he attended Bridgewater State University for a year where he intended to major in Elementary Education. His hope was to become a kindergarten teacher. 

He also took part in student government. “[It] long held a spot near and dear to my heart, and I almost ended up going into it as a career,” he says. 

Mr. Sullivan also wrote for the school newspaper recalling it as “an absolute thrill.” “I was able to meet so many interesting people in that role.” He also contemplated journalism as a career, but it didn’t work out that way.

After transferring to Umass Boston, Mr. Sullivan decided to major in music. He began playing at local venues and various concerts both with bands and as a solo artist. He was also doing work as an audio engineer. 

Despite his love of music, one day he realized his real passion was English. “The happiest times in my life were in the English classroom. In high school, at Bridgewater, at UMB, the discussions, the readings, the community of fellow learners there to discuss and grow; it was alluring.”

Despite his passion for the subject, Mr. Sullivan didn’t immediately pursue a teaching career. Following his undergraduate experience, he began selling real estate in Boston. And while he was successful, he felt unfulfilled. 

In a random conversation with his mother, he expressed his discontent when she offhandedly inquired about being an educator. “A few weeks later, I had decided I was going to pursue [it] as my new career.”

Like his diverse background of interests suggests, Mrs. Sullivan also enjoys a variety of language arts genres including poetry, songs, film, and fiction. 

And what does he think about being here at FHS? “I feel at home here each day. What a truly fine place to be. I would like to thank everyone at FHS for welcoming me and allowing me to be a part of this community.”